We all studied maths in our childhood and most of us are still studying in their schools and colleges. And in our childhood, we have also learned that it is Impossible to divide any number by zero! But do you know, why it is so? Well don't worry, you will get the answer here!

Is it possible?
well, it was started when Brahmguta, a famous mathematician, considered zero as a number and he made certain rules regarding it like

But, he had no idea about the answer of:
So, at last, he considered that when we divide any number by zero then the answer will be zero always! But his consideration gone wrong when about 500 years later, another great mathematician, Bhaskara II gave his theory.
According to him, when we divide 1 by 0, we get infinity as an answer,i.e,
1/0= Infinity
He told this on the basis that we can divide 1 into infinite parts having some negligible value equal to zero. so that the answer will result as "infinite". But his theory suffers for the larger numbers and this theory was unable to withstand for larger numbers like 5,7,19, etc. Also
if 1/0= infinity
then, 1= 0*infinity
and we know that the multiplication with zero always results in zero
Therefore, 1=0
Which is Impossible!!
The answer to this Mystery:
Well, there is no definite answer to this question. Till now the mathematicians have concluded that the answer to this question is "Senseless" or simply"Undefined", i.e,
N/0= Undefined , where N= any real number
The mathematicians have concluded this because if they allow dividing any number by zero, then it will result in the "Distortion of the whole Mathematics!!" which will fail every rule of maths. This is why the researchers didn't give any answer to this question.
So this was the full mystery behind this interesting question......well let me tell your opinions on this in the comments below and also stay tuned for the next mystery to be revealed!
The mystery of division by zero | Mysterious facts44
Reviewed by mysterious facts
June 13, 2019

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